Newberg City Club typically offers Programs on the first and third Tuesday of each month from September through the beginning of June, with breaks for holidays. See below for our upcoming and past programs.

2024-2025 Meeting Details

Chief KoskmickiJEFF KOSMICKI, Police Chief for the City of Newberg, will provide an update on the state of the Newberg-Dundee Police Department


  • Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
  • Buffet opens at 11:45 a.m.
  • Meeting begins at 12:00 p.m./Noon
  • Meeting location at Chehalem Cultural Center

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by March 24th to

  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers


Chief Kosmicki joined the department in 1996. In 1998 he was moved to detectives, primarily responsible for narcotics and major crimes investigations. Jeff was promoted to patrol sergeant in 2003, Lieutenant in 2007 and Captain in 2010. In April 2020 Jeff was named Interim Chief of Police after former Chief Brian Casey retired. After competing for the position, Jeff was promoted to Chief in July 2021.

During his career Chief Kosmicki’s assignments included supervising the Special Investigations Unit, Evidence Facility and Animal Control. Other duties and responsibilities include City and County Emergency Management, Accreditation, Police Policy Manual, Police Recruitment and hiring, Yamhill County Major Crimes Response Team, and Public Information Officer.

Jeff graduated from George Fox University in 1993 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a minor in Sociology. Jeff is a graduate of the 221st FBI National Academy session in Quantico, Virginia. Some of the benefits of attending this academy is building relationships with Federal Law Enforcement Partner Agencies as well as other police administrators throughout the nation.

Chief Kosmicki is a member of the International Association of Chief’s of Police, the Oregon Association of Chief’s of Police, and holds an Executive Certificate through the Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST).

Andrew HaslamANDREW HASLAM, Chief Administrative Officer at Providence Newberg Medical Center, will presnet “Today’s Healthcare Environment”. The presentation will share issues facing the healthcare industry today, such as the impact of technological advancements, the changing regulatory landscape, the growing importance of patient-centered care, and the increasing costs needed to address these concerns. Also, a look into factors that influence healthcare operations and what we, as a community, can do to address these challenges and capitalize on the opportunities they present.


  • Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
  • Buffet opens at 11:45 a.m.
  • Meeting begins at 12:00 p.m./Noon
  • Meeting location at Chehalem Cultural Center

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by April 7th to

  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers


Andrew has experience in various healthcare settings including acute care operations, ambulatory strategy, mergers and acquisitions, corporate services, real estate, and construction. As the Chief Administrative Officer at Providence Newberg Medical Center, he is responsible for leadership, direction, planning, and oversight for all acute and non-acute operations across Yamhill and surrounding communities. Providence Newberg Medical Center plays a key role in our community and was the first Gold LEED Certified hospital in the country and provides key services with 40 beds, over 600 employees, and over 250 active medical staff members. Andrew earned his bachelor’s degree in health sciences from Portland State University, and has a MBA and MHA from Saint Louis University. He is an active member of the American College of Healthcare Executives, serves as a national advisory board member for Revista, and a board member for Yamhill Community Care.

Started as CAO in June 2024.

BUBBA KING, Yamhill County Commissioner, provides an update on his first 100 days in office.

Additional details coming soon – save the date!


  • Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
  • Buffet opens at 11:45 a.m.
  • Meeting begins at 12:00 p.m./Noon
  • Meeting location at Chehalem Cultural Center

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by April 28th to

  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers


Additional details coming soon!

ALMA JEAN, Head of the Safe Route Immigration Program for Lutheran Community Services, provides insights into local immigration issues and programs.


  • Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
  • Buffet opens at 11:45 a.m.
  • Meeting begins at 12:00 p.m./Noon
  • Meeting location at Chehalem Cultural Center

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by May 12th to

  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers


Additional details coming soon!

Dr. Melanie Mock, 2025Dr. Melanie Springer Mock, Professor of English at George Fox University, presents “Stewarding Truth in an Age of Disinformation.”

According to Dr. Mock:

“We currently swim in a toxic sludge of disinformation designed to cause chaos and rancor; even our small town has been victimized by disinformation campaigns that divide neighbors against neighbors. What can we do to combat our current media climate of disinformation in a way that can help our community–and more broadly, our nation–flourish?”

Dr. Melanie Springer Mock will share ideas about stewarding truth in what has been called a “post-truth” environment, drawing on the curriculum used in writing courses at George Fox University that explores how to detect and disarm disinformation. 

Meeting Details

  • Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
  • Buffet opens 11:45 a.m. 
  • Meeting begins at 12:00 p.m./Noon 
  • Meeting location at Chehalem Cultural Center 

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by May 26th to 


  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers

Speaker Bio

Dr. Melanie Springer Mock is professor of English at George Fox University, where she primarily teaches first-year writing, memoir, and journalism courses. She is author or coauthor of six books, including Finding Our Way Forward: When The Children We Love Become Adults (Herald Press, 2022). Her essays and reviews have appeared in Ms. Magazine, The Nation, Christian Feminism Today, Chronicle of Higher Education, Runner’s World, and Inside Higher Education, among other places, and she is a regular reviewer for Anabaptist World, Red Letter Christians, and Christians for Social Action.

She and her husband live in Dundee, Oregon, and have two young adult sons. She is a stepmom to two adults, and “Nani” to three grandsons. In her free time, Melanie enjoys running, swimming, biking, knitting, and watching reality television.

Jack Maxwell, III Jack Maxwell III shares his story of “Rising from the Ashes” to overcome incredible adversity that includes abuse, mental health, poverty, addiction, and more on how he went from homelessness and living on the streets to becoming a highly successful business owner and public servant in just a few years.


Doors Open 11:30 a.m./Buffet 11:45 a.m.

Meeting Begins 12:00 p.m./Noon

Location: Chehalem Cultural Center

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by September 9th to


  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers


Jack Maxwell, III, has lived almost his entire life in Yamhill County. He currently lives with his wife and 5 children in McMinnville. Jack loves traveling, spending time with his family, motivational speaking, writing and singing, and professional sports. He sits on five nonprofit boards, on all of which he has served as President. Just this year alone he has traveled to six states to tell his story and is currently working on writing a book. Mr. MaxwelI owns an insurance agency with American Family Insurance with locations in McMinnville and Newberg. He is a teammate on multiple local adult sports teams for softball and basketball in Newberg. Mr Maxwell says of his interests, “I love lifting others up and helping normalize misunderstood assumptions about mental health, addiction, and homelessness. I am 10 years sober and am very proud of it.”

Join Newberg City Club as we hear from a pair of speakers representing colleges in Newberg – Laura Horani of Portland Community College and Dr. Jennie Harrop of George Fox University.


  • Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
  • Buffet opens 11:45 a.m.
  • Meeting begins at 12:00 p.m./Noon
  • Meeting location at Chehalem Cultural Center

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by October 7th to

  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers


Laura Horani 2024LAURA HORANI, Director of the Portland Community College’s Newberg Center, will share about their Lunch and Learn series topics including “Putting Your Strengths to Work” (October 21st), “Day of the Dead Cultural Celebration” (October 31s)t, two upcoming motivational interviewing workshops (December 7th, foundational level; January 11th, intermediate level), heartsavers (CPR) classes, and other topics that will offered this winter.

Dr. Jennie Harrop 2024DR. JENNIE HARROP will share about George Fox Digital, the online branch of George Fox University that houses microcertificates, certificates, Bachelor’s degrees, and – coming next fall – Associate’s degrees. As GFU builds stackable academic units, community members are welcome to choose from courses and credentials that vary from Project Management and Organizational Leadership to Human Behavior and Cybersecurity. In addition to its online options, GFU also offers ongoing theater, music, and athletic events that are open to the community as well.


LAURA HORANI has been the Director of the PCC Newberg Center since July 2023, but she has worked at PCC since 1996 in a variety of roles from part-time faculty to program dean at Rock Creek, Sylvania, and Southeast campuses. She got her first master’s degree in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) from Portland State and in 2022, obtained a master’s degree in leadership from Grand Canyon University. She is passionate about helping students reach their goals and making the PCC Newberg Center a true community center for learning. She has been a member of the Newberg Noon Rotary since November 2023, is the current vice president and scholarship chair. She has been married for 36 years, has two children, and recently became a first-time grandmother in August. She and her husband live in south Tigard and like to take walks, cook, and do projects around the house.

DR. JENNIE HARROP is Associate Dean of George Fox Digital, an innovative branch of George Fox University that houses accelerated online bachelor degrees, certificates, and industry partnerships. Harrop has three terminal degrees – a PhD in English from the University of Denver, a Doctor of Ministry in Semiotics from Portland Seminary, and an MFA in Creative Writing from Colorado State University – as well as a BA in Journalism from Pacific Lutheran University. Harrop also serves as coordinator of Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) for the university, Title IX deputy coordinator, faculty lead for the Liberal Arts Core Curriculum (LACC) general education offerings, faculty liaison for English dual credit, and project faculty for Portland Seminary’s Doctor of Leadership in Global Perspectives (DLGP).

Harrop is also a published author of several books; an ordained Presbyterian minister serving as lead pastor of Cedar Creek Church in Sherwood; serves as a member of the board of directors for the YMCA of Columbia-Willamette and the Presbyterian Education Board in Pakistan; is national ambassador for the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL); chaplain of BSA Troop 116; and worked as a news and crime reporter for several newspapers in the 1980s and early 1990s. She and her husband are blessed with five teen and adult kids.

Ken Baysinger, author of the Corrigan Mystery Novels, will share why he chose the mystery genre, why he focuses on cold cases, and why he picked the Willamette River as the setting for his cold cases.


  • Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
  • Buffet opens 11:45 a.m. 
  • Meeting begins at 12:00 p.m./Noon 
  • Meeting location at Chehalem Cultural Center 

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by September 23rd to 


  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers


Upon return from Vietnam, I finished college and graduated from Washington State University, with a degree in Advertising/Communication. That choice was shaped by teachers and professors having told me that I had a special gift for writing. I thought about being an English major, but who wants to be an English teacher? And I tried-out Journalism, but found it to be based on a formula, rather than creativity. Advertising provided latitude for creativity, and it promised better income potential than those other options.

My first job in advertising was disappointing, so when Freightliner Corporation offered me work as a technical writer, I went that direction. A few years and three employers later, I was recruited by Adec as their Technical Publications Manager, where I created their award-winning service manual. 

This led to my promotion into the marketing department, where I was put in charge of corporate advertising. I was part of the management staff during Adec’s greatest growth period. One opportunity followed another, until 2005, when I joined my wife in real estate. We worked together for a decade, before the great recession left us without much to do.

I’d always wanted to do: write a novel, and the recession gave me the time to do it. My entire career has been built upon my ability to put words on paper, so the writing of a work of fiction is not exactly a quantum leap.

Novels Published: El Camino (2013), Deadly Gold (2015), Missing and Exploited (2017), Confluence (2019), Identities (2021), Lilac City (2024)

More information about Ken Baysinger’s writing is available at

Dr. Jim Moore

Dr. Jim Moore, Professor of Politics and Government for Pacific University, presents “Election Day: What to Watch For, Predictions, and a Look at Governing in 2025.” During his presentation, we expect Dr. Moore to share insights into the players and themes of the 2024 election and the outcomes he anticipates from governance in 2025.


  • Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
  • Buffet starts at 11:45 a.m.
  • Meeting begins at 12:00 p.m./Noon
  • Meeting location is the Chehalem Cultural Center

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by October 28th to

  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers


Dr. Jim Moore is a Professor of Politics and Goverment at Pacific University. Dr. Moore has been a political analyst for over 30 years. He has worked with a number of media sources and is currently the political analyst of KXL radio in Portland and the elections analyst for KATU television. Jim’s biography of former Oregon governor (and the last Republican to hold the post) Vic Atiyeh is currently with the publisher.

Deb Bridges, Newberg-Dundee Public Schools

Deb Bridges, Chair of the Newberg-Dundee Public School ’s Board of Directors, presents “The State of Newberg Schools” which will provide an update on issues in the school system and plans for the future of Newberg Schools.


  • Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
  • Buffet starts at 11:45 a.m.
  • Meeting begins at 12:00 p.m./Noon
  • Meeting location is the Chehalem Cultural Center

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by November 11th to

  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers


Deb Bridges is the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Newberg-Dundee Public School District. The school district has an enrollment of approximately 4,150 students at 10 schools plus the Chehalem Online Academy. Learn more about the Newberg-Dundee Public School District

Shannon Selah

Shannon Selah, Executive Director for Newberg Area Habitat for Humanity will present “Building Homes, Community, and Hope“.

According to Shannon, Newberg Area Habitat for Humanity is at the forefront of addressing the local affordable housing crisis. As an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International, this non-profit organization is dedicated to building homes, fostering community, and inspiring hope. Their vision is simple yet powerful: a world where everyone has a decent place to live. To empower a greater number of local families through a “hand up” approach, they’re expanding their capacity to meet growing needs. This volunteer-powered initiative creates pathways for low and very-low-income families to build wealth and leave a lasting legacy through homeownership. Beyond new construction, they also offer grant-funded repairs to address health and safety issues for existing homeowners in the community, with the goal of keeping people in their homes.


  • Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
  • Buffet starts at 11:45 a.m.
  • Meeting begins at 12:00 p.m./Noon
  • Meeting location is the Chehalem Cultural Center

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by November 25th to

  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers


Shannon Selah is Executive Director of Newberg Area Habitat for Humanity and has served in that role since June 2023. Shannon brings a wealth of local experience and passion for affordable housing to her role. A Newberg High School alumna, her journey with Habitat began in 2009 as a Building Committee intern. Her 19-year career in property management, including seven as the owner of Chehalem Property Management, combines practical expertise with a deep commitment to community service. Shannon’s involvement with Habitat has spanned various roles, from the Family Selection Committee to the Board of Directors. Her dedication to affordable housing extends beyond Habitat, having volunteered on the City of Newberg Affordable Housing Commission and the Workforce Housing Team associated with SEDCOR.

Beyond her professional life, Shannon is an accomplished drummer, performing with various bands since 1995. She enjoys gardening, live music, travel, and outdoor adventures. Currently residing in SE Portland with her wife and two young stepchildren, Shannon maintains strong ties to Newberg, where she lived for 25 years and raised two of her children. Her unique blend of local roots, professional experience, and personal passion makes her a dynamic leader in the affordable housing sector.

Find more information at

Dr. Sam Pennypacker 2024Climate Change and Solutions in the Pacific Northwest: The Challenges and Opportunities Ahead in an Uncertain Future” presented by Dr. Sam Pennypacker, Faculty Instructor at Portland Community College.

DR. SAM PENNYPACKER presents “Climate Change and Solutions in the Pacific Northwest: The Challenges and Opportunities Ahead in an Uncertain Future.“ With a recent string of summers marked by heatwaves, wildfires, and smoke, a growing number of residents of the Pacific Northwest have questions and concerns about climate change and its impact on our communities. In this presentation Dr. Pennypacker explores the current state of the science for our planet and our region. The presentation will also discuss the current landscape for climate change solutions, the temptations of doomerism, and the challenges to building the urgency we need going forward.


  • Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
  • Buffet starts at 11:45 a.m.
  • Meeting begins at 12:00 p.m./Noon
  • Meeting location is the Chehalem Cultural Center

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by January 13th to

  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers


Dr. Sam Pennypacker is an atmospheric scientist and teacher in the PNW. He currently teaches classes in global climate change, earth system science, oceanography, and meteorology at Portland Community College, while also continuing research projects through the University of Washington in Seattle. This research work focuses mostly on the interaction of clouds and vegetation within the climate system. He received a PhD in Atmospheric Science from the University of Washington in 2021 and a BA in Atmospheric Science from the University of California, Berkeley in 2015. Dr. Pennypacker has worked with everyone from kindergarten classes to labor unions on collaborative climate change science and solutions outreach.

Emily Garrick-Stenson

EMILY GARRICK-STEENSON (Advancement Manager; Lutheran Community Services, Northwest) will share a program that highlights the challenges faced by at-risk children and families in Yamhill County and the critical resources available to support them. Garrick-Steenson’s presentation explores key issues such as poverty, housing instability, access to education, and healthcare disparities while showcasing community-driven solutions aimed at breaking cycles of hardship. Through stories, data, and expert insights, the program emphasizes the importance of early intervention and coordinated efforts to create brighter futures for vulnerable populations..


  • Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
  • Buffet starts at 11:45 a.m.
  • Meeting begins at 12:00 p.m./Noon
  • Meeting location is the Chehalem Cultural Center

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by January 27th to

  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers


Emily Garrick-Steenson has deep roots in Newberg, Oregon, where her passion for community connection and service took shape. Growing up in Newberg instilled in her a strong sense of responsibility to give back and support programs that support the most vulnerable members of our community. Now, Emily focuses on promoting initiatives that directly benefit Yamhill County, working to enhance opportunities and resources for local residents. Her dedication to strengthening community ties reflects her lifelong commitment to making Newberg a vibrant and thriving place to live.

Will Worthey, City ManagerWILL WORTHEY, Newberg’s City Manager, presents “End of the Beginning: Wrapping Up 3 Years of City Hall Reforms.” Join fellow City Club members as Mr. Worthey describes the many reforms that are now being completed in the areas of software, administration, personnel management, customer service and fiscal control. 

According to Mr. Worthey, City Club members should attend to hear a presentation from Newberg’s City Manager on “the three recent ages of the City. The time of tumult, the time of reform and the time of innovation.” In this presentation, Worthey will summarize some of the 18 reforms carried out over the last three years that are concluding in February of 2025. He will cover some of the city’s recent awards and successes.

Additionally, Worthey will cover “what’s next” for the city as its focus moves from internal reforms to capital improvements and roads projects. He will explain what needs to occur next and the challenges involved in paying for it.


  • Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
  • Buffet opens 11:45 a.m. 
  • Meeting begins at 12:00 p.m./Noon 
  • Meeting location at Chehalem Cultural Center 

Email your RSVP for hot lunch by February 10th to

  • Attend with hot lunch meal: $15 for members & member guests $20 for nonmembers
  • Attend with beverage option only: $4 for members & member guests $7 for nonmembers


Newberg’s City Manager is the Chief Executive Officer of the City and responsible for the overall management of its operations. Will Worthey became interim City Manager in 2021 before competing for and being hired for the role permanently. 

Prior to his current role, Worthey worked for more than 30 years in school and public libraries, and is still a children’s librarian at heart! He brings the value of care and organizational skills from his former profession to his role as City Manager. Worthey, the first person in his family to attend a university, has a baccalaureate degree in history, master’s degree in library science, and obtained his executive master’s degree in public administration from Portland State University in 2024. Worthey was also inducted into the Phi Kappa Phi national honor society in 2024.

The City Manager works in close partnership with Newberg’s mayor and city councilors who are responsible for setting the policy direction for the City organization. The City Manager strives to operationalize the councils’ goals (available online at…/newberg-city-council-goals) and aspirations . Worthey leads the employees of the City to accomplish the goals and priorities set by the city council, always encouraging staff to embody our shared STRIVE values.

Past Meeting Details (2023-2024 Season)

June 4, 2024Chasing Hope Nicholas Kristof, New York Times Op-Ed Columnist
May 21, 2004The Adventures of Ewing YoungDoug Root, co-owner Ewing Young Distillery
May 7, 2024The Primary Election: The Collision of Presidential Politics and Local ElectionsJim Moore, PhD, Acting Associate Dean, Pacific University
April 16, 2024Ballot Measure 110: “It did even seem like a good idea at the time.”Brad Berry, Yamhill Count District Attorney
April 2, 2024Finishing Cancer TogetherDr. Kelly Perlewitz, Deputy Director, Providence Cancer Institute – Newberg
March 19, 2024School Board 101Nancy Woodward, Newberg School Board Chair
March 5, 2024Oregon ElectionsMolly Woon, OR Director of Elections; Keri Hinton, Yamhill Co. Clerk
Feb. 20, 2024Newberg’s Debt Reduction PlanWill Worthey, Newberg City Manager
Feb. 6, 2024Chehalem Valley VaudevilleScott Parker & Kat Ricker, Co-founders of Vaudeville
Jan. 16, 2024Program Canceled Due to Weather
Dec. 5, 2023System Development Charges – Making Changes in Newberg to Encourage GrowthWill Worthey, Newberg City Manager
Nov. 21, 2023Why Public Art is Important to NewbergTerry Emery, Chair, Newberg Public Art Council
Nov. 7, 2023Sheltering the VulnerableKristin Stoller, Co-Founder, CWC; Elise Yarnell Hollamon, Co-Founder CWC; Dr. Jeri Turgesen, Health Psychologist; and Matt Bunn, Director of Operations, CWC
Oct. 17, 2023Trails, Politics and Building BridgesQuentin Comus and Matt Dolphin, CPRD’s Chehalem Heritage Trails Advisory Committee
Oct. 3, 2023Violence and Child Trafficking in AfricaWill Lathrop, North Ugandan Office Director, International Justice Mission
Sep. 19, 2023How Advocacy has Shaped the Oregon Wine IndustryJana McKamey, Executive Director of the Oregon Winegrowers Association